New Articles

  1. Managing Severities

    Severities organize (SLA and optionally non-SLA) issues into categories based on their impact on the user or overall user base. These categories can have generic (e.g. Severity 1, Severity 2, Severity 3) or fairly descriptive (e.g. Major, Moderate...
  2. About Embedded Images

    Your users can Embed Images — such as screenshots, pictures, or other graphics files — directly into issues and Knowledge Base (KB) articles within your site. Full functionality relies on activation of your site’s Rich Text being activated by...
  3. Issue Notifications

    Issue notifications are automatically generated based on events that occur within an issue. When an event occurs, emails are sent to users based on the role they hold on the issue. This document goes over those notifications and how they can be modi...
  4. About Groups

    A Group can be defined as a set of multiple users that all need to interact with your Issuetrak system in the same way. Groups allow you to establish and control role-based Permissions collectively without manually granting individual ...
  5. Subprocessors Used by Issuetrak

    Issuetrak utilizes a variety of services and organizations for the purpose of delivering and enhancing customer experiences, marketing, and issue tracking. These services and organizations are defined as Subprocessors under the EU's General Data P...
  6. Issuetrak Terms of Service

    This is the landing page for the Terms of Service for all of our customers.
  7. About Issue Forms

    The Issue Forms feature in your Settings Lightbox allows you to customize the information displayed on different Issues Types, as well as the required fields that apply to those Issues Types. There is a generic, system-generated Issuetrak ...
  8. About Configuration Items

    Configuration Items is a three-field dropdown value list initially designed to track assets before the development of the Asset Management Module . It may be utilized as a dropdown field on the issue with two reportable connected values if needed...
  9. GDPR Compliance FAQ

    What is the GDPR? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a law that was passed by the European Union to go into effect on May 25, 2018. This law is intended to protect the rights of EU citizens (defined as natural persons ) to contro...
  10. Network Protocols and Ports for Issuetrak

    Brief List of Necessary Ports This section contains just a brief list of the bare minimum services necessary for Issuetrak to work: HTTP (80) or HTTPS (443) ports from the web server, depending on how IIS bindings are configured SQ...