About Organizations

Any organizational unit – such as a company or a subsidiary – interacting directly or indirectly with your Issuetrak system is an Organization. Organizations are the largest and most important of all Entities within Issuetrak.

Organizations are the primary mechanism for capturing and reporting information related to:

  • Users
  • Issues
  • Projects
  • Assets
  • Departments
  • Locations

Organizations may include clients, vendors, districts, regions, agencies, etc. depending on your operation’s use of Issuetrak. If you use Issuetrak for internal use only, you might only have one Organization. However, internal use does not necessarily dictate whether Organizations should be utilized. Even among internal applications of Issuetrak, there may be certain benefits to using Organizations you may not achieve using Department, Location, or Region entities.

The Organization is a powerful role in Issuetrak. It can establish the visible Issues, system messages, Global Issues, and KB articles available to member users, as well as the interface colors and logos / embedded URLs the member users see once logged into the system. Specific Issue Types, Subtypes, and Issue Templates can be restricted so that only member users of a particular Organization have these values / options available in an issue.

Additionally, Auto Assignments, Issue Subscribers, and Workflows may be triggered based on Organization association when an issue is submitted.


Managing Organizations

Depending on the use of your system, there can be many aspects to an Organization's record. However, some attributes can only be added or maintained after an Organization has been added.

Custom Site Titles, and logos / embedded URLs, Service Contracts, and Issue Subscribers can only be added from the Edit Organization screen. Attachments and Site Colors can only be added from the Organization's sub-menu. Issue Type / Subtype restrictions can only be added from the Edit Issue Type/Subtype screens after an Organization has been added. Please see the Editing Issue Types/Subtypes article for more information.

Add an Organization


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click Organizations beneath Entities > click Add on the right quick menu.
  2. Enter a Name for the new organization and any other appropriate field value(s).
  3. Click Save.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.

Add Members to an Organization

There are several ways you can add members to an Organization:

Via Edit Organization Screen


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click Organizations beneath Entities.
  2. Search for an Organization you would like to add members to.
  3. Click the edit icon(pencil) next to the appropriate Organization's name.
  4. Click on View/Maintain Member List... link next to Membership field.
  5. Click on Add Members button.
  6. In the pop-up window, you can search and add individual users or all users that appear on the screen via the checkbox next to the ID column.
    1. (Optional) Check Allow the user to see (in lists) users in the organization permission by clicking the People icon, if applicable for the selected user(s).
    2. (Optional) Check Allow the user, with appropriate permissions, to edit Issues in the organization permission by clicking the Pencil icon, if applicable for the selected user(s).
  7. Click Add Members button at the bottom of the screen (there will be a number indicator letting you know how many users will be added as members for this particular Organization).

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.

The maximum number of changes via a single update is 3000, a line at the bottom of the window will show the remaining number of available changes.

Via Edit User Screen

In some scenarios, you will need to have a user to be a member of several organizations.

If you have an organization that is a member of another organization (For example; a parent company and its division companies) you can add the additional Organizations to a user to allow them access to the additional organizations. You can read more about this by reading this article.


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click Users beneath Entities.
  2. Search for a User you would like to add members to multiple organizations.
  3. Click the edit icon(pencil) next to the appropriate User's name.
  4. Click on the Organization name next to the * Organization(s) field.
  5. In the pop-up you may:
    1. Search for the appropriate Organization.
    2. Drag and drop visible in the Available Organizations column Organizations to the Organization Memberships column.
    3. Bulk add Organizations by clicking Add Visible button beneath the Available Organizations column.
  6. Ensure that appropriate Organization is set as primary by selecting the Star icon.
  7. Ensure that appropriate permission are set for each additional organization membership.
    1. (Optional) select Allow the user to see (in lists) users in the organization permission by clicking on the People icon.
    2. (Optional) select Allow the user, with appropriate permissions, to edit Issues in the organization permission by clicking on the Pencil icon.
  8. Click on the Update button to save the changes.

The maximum number of changes via a single update is 3000, a line at the bottom of the window will show the remaining number of available changes. The maximum number of Organizations a single user can be a member of is 9500.

Edit an Organization


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click Organizations beneath Entities.
  2. Click the edit icon(pencil) next to the appropriate organization from the Organization list displayed.
  3. Edit the appropriate field value(s).
  4. Click Update.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.

Applying Site Colors

You can select unique site colors for each organization. These colors will appear throughout the system after a member user has logged in. If site colors are not specified for a particular organization, the colors specified in your system settings will be used.

Pre-defined Color Themes can be defined by the system administrator(s) in Settings Lightbox > System Colors > Color Themes. Once specified, these color themes will be available to organization administrators or users with the Can access and maintain administration functions in the Color Theme drop-down when maintaining site colors for an organization. Additionally, you can select specific colors without creating a theme.

If you are using Dark Mode, you must disable it before your site will allow you to apply site colors. You can disable Dark Mode by clicking your Display Name in the top right corner of your site > click Disable Dark Mode.

Site Colors for a particular organization can only be added or maintained from the Edit Organization sub-menu after an organization has been added.


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click Organizations beneath Entities.
  2. Click the edit icon(pencil) next to the appropriate organization from the Organization list displayed.
  3. Select Site Colors from the sub-menu displayed on the left once you have selected the appropriate organization.
  4. To apply an existing color theme or create and apply a new theme from an existing theme, select the theme. The color settings for the selected theme will appear.
  5. Define new color settings for any specific interface items.
  6. Click the color box next to the item.
  7. Select the new color for this item in the Select Color pop-up window that opens.

  1. Click Use Color. The Select Color pop-up will close and a preview will display to the right in the section you have modified.
  2. Repeat steps 3 through 8 for all other items you want to modify.
  3. Click Preview Colors to view how the interface color scheme will appear once a member user has logged in.
  4. Click Apply Colors.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.

Delete an Organization

It is strongly recommended that organizations not be deleted to maintain data integrity within your system. Once deleted, any open issues related to an organization will be orphaned.


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click Organizations beneath Entities.
  2. Click the delete icon (trash can) next to the appropriate organization from the Organizations list displayed.
  3. You will be confronted with a Delete Organization Confirmation lightbox.  If this organization is not empty, then you must decide which organization to reassign the soon-to-be-deleted organization's users to.  Select an organization and then click Delete and Reassign.  Otherwise, simply click Delete to confirm you wish to delete the empty organization. 

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.


Additional Organization Options

These additional values are available to use with your Organization values. These fields are not required but instead allow you further customization of your Issuetrak site.

Value Description
Internal Only When checked, users within this organization will only be able to view issues submitted by other users within this organization.
Site Title This title will appear above the menu bar throughout the system after a member user of this particular organization has logged in.
Left Organization Logo This logo will appear on the left above the menu bar throughout the system after a member user has logged in. Clicking on this logo will take the user to the Logo URL specified.
Right Organization Logo This logo will appear on the right above the menu bar throughout the system after a member user has logged in. Clicking on this logo will take the user to the Logo URL specified.
From/Reply To Email sent from the system to users in this organization will use the Email Name and Email Address values entered here as default From/Reply To values. If left blank, System Defaults for outgoing email will be used.
Subscribers Organization-based Subscribers can be defined, allowing you to select a list of users to be notified when specific issue events occur based on the Organization submitting an issue. These events include: submit, assign, next action, note entered, close, and escalation.
Web Address An auxiliary field for providing the website or domain of an organization. Prior to 11.6, this field was used to help determine the organization that an email sender should be assigned to.
Incoming Email Domain For Incoming Email, when "Attempt to determine an organization from email domain" is selected, users created by IEM from an email from this domain will be set to this organization.

Internal Only

When checked, users within this organization will only be able to view issues submitted by other users within this organization, depending on their user permissions, i.e. Can view issues submitted by other users. They will not be able to see issues submitted by users outside of this Organization. Likewise, they will not be able to see users from other Organizations in the various user-related fields in an issue or issue search, including Next Action, Task Assigned To, and more.

In a customer support situation, all customer organizations usually have Internal Only checked, but the support organization does not. Thus, the support representatives can view all issues / users, but users in a customer organization can only see issues / users within their organization.


Service Contracts

In instances where you are supporting clients, Service Contracts may be established for an Organization. The system will automatically subtract any labor hours recorded in an issue from the balance of hours on the Service Contract. Multiple contracts may also be established for an Organization. Users will be able to view and select the appropriate contract when entering their labor hours in an issue.

Issue Forms

(Read-only) organization fields can be added to issue forms so that more organization-related information is available to users when they view an issue. See our About Issue Forms article to learn how to configure issue forms.