About Printing Notes

We've built into Issuetrak the ability to print the content of the description field and individual notes within each issue. This can be useful for the purpose of sending legacy (ie. snail) mail on your own letterhead to your customers to acknowledge receipt of their correspondence.

When you print a note, the formatted content of the note will be printed, free from clutter of the other issue content.

How to Print a Note

You can use the "Print Notes" feature from the View Issue screen. In order to print a note:

  1. Navigate to the issue that you want to print a note from.
  2. Find the note or description field that you want to print.
  3. Find and click on the printer icon next to it (labeled as "Print This Note" when you hover over it) to get a preview of what will be printed.
  4. Click on Print.

Setting Custom Margins

The Print Note feature comes with adjustable margins. The margins are left at the default system print setting, and values are all set to zero. The zeroed-out values are relative to the default system margin values.

In order to adjust margins, you must perform the following:


  1. Navigate to the Settings gear icon in the top right corner of Issuetrak.
  2. Within the Settings lightbox, click on Defaults underneath System.
  3. Scroll down to "Note Print Additional Margins" which will display 4 fields side by side and one dropdown menu.
    1. The first four fields for this setting provide margin values for Top, Right, Bottom, and Left.
    2. The fifth configurable item for Print Notes is a dropdown menu that provides the unit to use for the margins. This dropdown can be set to:
      1. in (inches)
      2. mm (millimeters)
      3. px (pixels)
  4. Once you've set the values that you want for Print Notes, you should click Update at either the top or bottom of the page.

The margins are now set to the custom values you wanted.

Headers and Footers

When you use the Print Note feature, you may want to remove the headers and footers that sometimes accompany pages that are printed from a browser. The steps are different for each browser.


After you click the "Print This Note" icon in Firefox: On the print dialog that appears, uncheck the box next to "Print Headers and Footers" on the righthand side.


After you click the "Print This Note" icon in Chrome: On the print dialog that appears, expand More settings on the righthand side, and then uncheck the box next to "Headers and Footers" within the Options section.


After you click the "Print This Note" icon in Edge: On the print dialog that appears, expand More settings on the lefthand side, and then uncheck the box next to "Headers and Footers" within the Options section.