Managing Task Groups

Several tasks may be grouped together and collectively added to an issue. These pre-defined Task Groups can maintain a consistent workflow in the course of resolving issues. Within Task Groups, dependencies among tasks can be established, e.g. task 3 cannot be completed until tasks 1 and 2 have been completed.

In a Task Group with Yes / No / NA scenarios, subsequent tasks may be canceled depending on the selection of Yes, No, or NA, depending on the parameters you have defined within the Task Group.

Only users with Sys Admin or Can access and maintain Administration functions permissions can add, edit or delete Task Groups within your system.


Adding Task Groups

Tasks can only be added to a Task Group on edit once the group name is created and saved.

  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click Tasks beneath Tools > click Add beneath Task Groups section on the right quick menu.
  2. Enter a Task Group name.
  3. Enter a Display Order value if the Task Group should appear in a particular order in the Task Group drop-down in the Task Manager.
  4. Click Save.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.


Editing Task Groups


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click Tasks beneath Tools > click List beneath Task Groups section on the right quick menu.
  2. Click edit next to the appropriate Task Group from the Task Group List displayed.
  3. Edit the appropriate field value(s) OR click on the Task Manager to edit the Tasks within the Task Group.
    1. Drag / drop any groups or organizations that should see the task group to the righthand columns.
    2. Click Update to save the selected groups / organizations.
  4. Click Update once all your changes have been entered.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.


Deleting Task Groups


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click Tasks beneath Tools > click List beneath Task Groups section on the right quick menu.
  2. Click del next to the appropriate Group Task from the Task Group List displayed.
  3. Click OK when prompted with the message: "Are you sure you want to delete this Task Group?"

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.