About the System Menu

All system-level defaults and configuration options are maintained within the System submenu within the Settings Lightbox.

Only users with Sys Admin permissions can view and manage all system-level options. However, users with Can access and maintain Administration functions permissions can view and manage the Hours of Operation and System Colors settings. In addition, users with Allow Read Only access to Administration information permissions can view the Hours of Operation and System Colors settings.


The System subsection includes the following options:

System Setting Description
Defaults Site name, server time zone, dashboard reload rate, issue priority default, date format, display name format, etc.
Features Attachments, issue form default, departments, global issues, incoming email, issue auditing, classes, knowledge base, projects, etc.
Site Appearance Site title, logos, logo URLs, home screen, Agent and login screen messages, etc.
System Colors Determine Page, Text, Button, Banner colors, and colors for Report Headers.
Hours of Operation Define the work hours and non-work days, define dates closed such as Holidays.
Password Policy Password-related options and defaults such as Self Service Password Reset, required format / length, etc.
Issue Hub Settings Select the default Issue Hub View, selections for if a view is active or not for users in Issuetrak.
Security A series of security options that can improve or reduce security based on security preferences and the desired user experience.
Custom Links Custom menu links that display in the Home Menu.
Mobile Settings Issuetrak Mobile issue screen and general settings.
License Update your license, perform a manual activation, view Expiration Date, view your Site ID, view Agent Counts, and Licensed Add-Ons.
About Site version information and contact information page, including useful links for administrators to review, such as system requirements, security, and our Feature Requests page. Unlike other administrative settings, this option is visible to all Agent users.