About Google Application Integration

Issuetrak is capable of utilizing Google's secure API to provide several features:

  • Incoming Email
  • Outgoing Email
  • Asset Auditing (Google-managed devices)

It is necessary to perform several steps in your Google account to enable this functionality and gather the required information. This article will show you how to perform those steps, as well as where to enter the resulting information in Issuetrak.

Google Cloud Platform Steps

  1. Sign into Google's Cloud Platform using the Google account that you want to associate Issuetrak with.
  2. Perform the following based on how you expect to use the Google API.
    1. If you wish to process email from a Google account: Search for, Select, and then enable the Gmail API.
    2. If you wish to perform audits on devices associated with your Google Workspace: Search for, select, and then enable the Admin SDK API.
  3. Search for and select Create a Project.
  4. Set a name for the new project. It's a good idea to make this descriptive, so that you (or another administrator) can determine what this project is being used for. In this example, we'll call it "Issuetrak IEM Test".
  5. Click on the hamburger icon in the top left area, then navigate to APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen.
  6. Select External, then click on CREATE.
  7. Fill in the required fields. You may set the name of the application to the same name as the project for the sake of consistency.
  8. Click on SAVE AND CONTINUE.
  9. You'll be prompted to add scopes. This isn't necessary. Click on SAVE AND CONTINUE.
  10. Add your Gmail address as a test user where prompted, then click on SAVE AND CONTINUE.
  11. Click Credentials on the lefthand menu.
  12. Click + CREATE CREDENTIALS at the top of the site, then choose "OAuth client ID".
  13. Choose "Web Application" from the dropdown.
  14. Enter a name for the web application. In this example, we will call it "Issuetrak 001".
  15. Under "Authorized Redirect URIs", click ADD URI and add the following URL (adjusted with your own site URL):    https://your_site_url/core/OAuthProvider/RedirectUrl
  16. Click CREATE.
  17. You will be provided with your Client ID and Client Secret. You will need this information to configure Issuetrak in the next section. You can choose to copy/paste these values into your own credential management framework, or download the JSON to a safe location for reference later.

If you are using Google email with multiple email addresses within Issuetrak, you can use the same Google Project, but each mailbox must have its own set of Client Credentials (Steps 12-17). This also requires that each set of Client Credentials be set as its own application within Issuetrak.

Adding Google API Credentials to Issuetrak

We must now configure Issuetrak so that it knows how to communicate with your Gmail account. This section assumes that you have the information we obtained in the steps above.

  1. Sign into Issuetrak with a Sys Admin account.
  2. Navigate to the settings lightbox via the gear icon in the upper right, then click on Google Applications under "Integrations".
  3. Click on Add New, then enter a Name that you'd like to associate with the Gmail account, as well as the required Client ID and Client Secret gathered in the prevous section.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Verify Connection.
  6. You'll be prompted to sign into the Google account you're attempting to access the API with. Go ahead and do so.
  7. Accept the prompt allowing your Issuetrak site to access your Google account.

Once this is complete, you can move onto configuring IEM and/or Outgoing Email.

Configuring Incoming Email to Use Google OAuth

Please see our article on configuring IEM mailboxes for the relevant steps.

Configuring Outgoing Email to use Google OAuth

Please see our article on configuring outgoing email for the relevant steps.

Configuring Asset Management to Capture Audits from Google-Managed Devices

Please see our article about Asset Audits to learn how to configure Asset Management to capture audits from Google-managed devices.